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Monthly Archives: October 2013

9/11 for the Magisterium: The Francis Interviews

by Rev. Anthony Cekada NO ONE who follows the religious or secular press is unaware of the firestorm that Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) ignited with his recent press interviews and public letters. Understandably, the discussion centered on the meaning of Francis’ particular pronouncements (on atheism, proselytism, “judging,” conscience, no Catholic God, etc.) What in the world […]

Bergoglio: Trashing Trads is the Least of His Program

by Rev. Anthony Cekada DURING THE PAST few days, trad internet forums have been abuzz over two shots that “Pope Francis” (Bergoglio) has taken against trads. One was in his July 28 address in Rio to the coordinating committee of CELAM, the supra-regional episcopal conference for South American and the Caribbean, in which he referred […]