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Category Archives: Vatican II: Effects

Papa Pachamama’s Profession of the Modernist Heresy

“ALL THE Gods of the heathens are demons,” says Psalm 95 — but that didn’t stop Jorge Mario Bergoglio from sponsoring pagan idol worship of the Amazonian earth goddess, the Pachamama, in the Vatican gardens on October 4. Nor did it stop him, during the Offertory Procession of a Mass two weeks later, from smilingly […]

For Neo-Trad Sedevacantists, “Sex Sells”

As I noted a few weeks ago in The Errors of Athanasius Schneider, the “right” in the Conciliar Church — “conservatives” or, in the case of those who promote the old Mass in the Novus Ordo system, “neo-trads” — has become more and more vehement in denouncing Bergoglio. A mere six years ago, talk of papal […]

Bp. Dolan’s Anniversary: Celebrating an Influential Apostolate

NOVEMBER 30, 2018, the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, marked the 25th anniversary of the episcopal consecration of the Most. Rev. Daniel L. Dolan by the Most Rev. Mark A. Pivarunas. We observed the happy occasion at St. Gertrude the Great Church in West Chester, Ohio, with a splendid Pontifical High Mass celebrated by Bishop […]

A V2 Overview for Neo-Trads

by Rev. Anthony Cekada NOTE: I often get phone or email inquiries from Catholics who have suddenly sensed that there is something deeply wrong in the post-Vatican II church, but who have difficulty pinpointing exactly what it is. I try to give inquirers an overview of the basics, but it’s quite difficult sometimes to compress […]

Three Vatican II Errors: A Two–Minute Course

  OK, MR. OR MRS. TRAD — you always tell your Novus Ordo friends how bad “Vatican II” was. But can you actually give them examples of the Council’s main errors? Matthew Arthur and True Restoration to the rescue! They’ve put together a snappy, two-and-a-half minute video that briefly lists and explains the errors for you. Send […]

Papa Gaga’s “Pastoral” Code

The modernist trick of undermining faith through “experience” by Rev. Anthony Cekada “WHEN I HEAR the word, ‘culture,’ I reach for my revolver.” The idea behind the pithy saying, usually attributed to Nazi Hermann Goering, is that a soothing term often hides a poisonous agenda. So it is with the term “pastoral” used in the […]

Bergoglio’s Revolution: Six Key Points

by Rev. Anthony Cekada IMMEDIATELY upon his election by the March 2013, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) started signaling his intention to push the Vatican II revolution forward at warp speed. Where John Paul II and Benedict XVI were content to “make haste slowly” and generally willing to follow certain conventions in order to give the […]

Seminary High Schools after Vatican II

THE AUGUST 9, 2007 issue of The Wanderer contained an article by James K. Fitzpatrick on the demise of seminary high schools after Vatican II. Seminary high schools, also called “minor seminaries,” once played a major role in fostering priestly vocations. These institutions provided boys who felt inclined towards the priesthood with a spiritual and […]