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Category Archives: Lefebvre

Talking Sedevacantism with an SSPX Lay Kahuna

Father: Even though I’ve figured out that sedevacantism is the only possible theological explanation for Bergoglio and the whole Vatican II mess, I still have a lot of friends and acquaintances in SSPX circles. Word of my change of position has gotten around, so the topic now comes up in conversations. Lay SSPX-ers agree with […]

Bp. Dolan’s Anniversary: Celebrating an Influential Apostolate

NOVEMBER 30, 2018, the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, marked the 25th anniversary of the episcopal consecration of the Most. Rev. Daniel L. Dolan by the Most Rev. Mark A. Pivarunas. We observed the happy occasion at St. Gertrude the Great Church in West Chester, Ohio, with a splendid Pontifical High Mass celebrated by Bishop […]

The “Position of the Society” as Substitute Magisterium

by Rev. Anthony Cekada THE SOCIETY OF St. Pius X’s flawed theology of papal authority has led it to promote countless errors, but one of the more obvious ones emerges in its position on canonizations made by the post-Conciliar popes. The standard pre-Vatican II theological teaching was that canonizations are infallible — otherwise, said the theologian Salaverri, […]

Marcel Lefebvre: Sedevacantist

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre made many statements that support sedevacantism, the theological position held by Catholic traditionalists who believe that the Vatican II popes were not true popes, due to public heresy. Father Anthony Cekada, a priest who was a seminarian in SSPX’s early days and who personally knew the archbishop, provides a selection of these […]

Pro-Sedevacantism Quotes from Abp. Lefebvre

NOTE FROM FR. CEKADA: In discussions on various forums, I’ve noticed that many SSPX supporters can’t bring themselves to believe that Abp. Lefebvre EVER said ANYTHING that favored sedevacantism, implying in bargain that SSPX sede old-timers like myself are are either liars or delusional. Below is an article by John Daly which provides a nice […]

Bishop Fellay, The Three and the SSPX Deal: A Preliminary Analysis

THE EXCHANGE of letters in April 2012 between three SSPX bishops (Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, Richard Williamson and Alfonso de Gallaretta, April 7, 2012) and SSPX Superior General Bernard Fellay (April 14, 2012) over whether SSPX should accept a Vatican offer to be integrated into the Conciliar Church represents a fascinating twist in the ongoing […]

The Leader is Always Right! Fellay, Il Duce, and the SSPX Deal

IN THE FACE of what looks more and more to be an impending deal between SSPX and the Vatican, observation of an English traditionalist on the Ignis Ardens forum speaks volumes about the mentality of the rank-and-file SSPX priest: In London today (May 6, 2012), the priest from the pulpit expressed very frankly how dismayed […]

An SSPX Deal: But Will the Fat Lady Sing?

“The opera ain’t over till the fat lady sings.” — George H.W. Bush OUR FORMER president’s allusion to Wagner’s interminable four-opera “Ring Cycle,” which ends after fourteen confusing hours with a well-upholstered soprano howling a ten-minute aria, comes to mind now in mid-April 2012, when the press and the trad blogsphere is abuzz with talk […]

The “Canonized” Mass and Abp. Lefebvre

QUESTION: In your Quidlibet article “Quo Primum: Could a Pope Change It?” I read your comment that a future pope after St. Pius V could, as a supreme legislator, abrogate this Bull. However, I still wonder why the Bull then states that “and that this present document cannot be revoked or modified,” which could only […]