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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pontifical Requiem Mass for †Fr. Anthony Cekada

As the last post on this blog, we thought we’d link to †Fr. Cekada’s Requiem Mass.  Father died on September 11, 2020. The Pontifical Mass was offered by Bp. Daniel Dolan on September 17.  15 Priests (including 3 bishops) were in attendance for the Mass.   The clergy in attendance represented St. Gertrude the Great Church, […]

Papa Pachamama’s Profession of the Modernist Heresy

“ALL THE Gods of the heathens are demons,” says Psalm 95 — but that didn’t stop Jorge Mario Bergoglio from sponsoring pagan idol worship of the Amazonian earth goddess, the Pachamama, in the Vatican gardens on October 4. Nor did it stop him, during the Offertory Procession of a Mass two weeks later, from smilingly […]

Does the Pope Honorius Affair Refute Sedevacantism?

THE MULTITUDE of theological errors and evil laws that have emanated from the Vatican II popes over the past fifty years — and that is exponentially increasing during the madcap reign of Bergoglio — has prompted many traditionally-minded Catholics to seek out ways to reconcile the notion of papal authority with the obvious destruction wrought […]