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Monthly Archives: March 2014

SSPX, “Resistance” and Sedevacantism: A New Video

A conference by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn IN A clearly-presented and tightly-reasoned 110-minute talk, delivered in London on Dec. 21, 2013, Bishop Sanborn lays out the case for sedevacantism. He explains that the fundamental question every Catholic must ask himself in our times is: “Does the religion of Vatican II represent a substantial or […]

Personal Recollections of Abp. Thuc

  A priest who lived with the archbishop as a seminarian in 1982–3 offers insights into the prelate’s personality and character. By Rev. Anthony Cekada   IN A PREVIOUS post, I presented a video I had made on the validity of the episcopal consecration conferred by Archbishop Pierre-Martin Ngo-dinh-Thuc in 1981. The video deals mainly […]

Abp. Thuc: A Conversation with Fr. Cekada

A video from True Restoration Media and some links   ANYONE familiar with my writings and the history of the traditionalist movement knows that while I was initially skeptical of the validity of the episcopal consecrations Archbishop Pierre-Martin Ngô-dinh-Thuc conferred on three traditional Catholic priests in 1981, I became firmly convinced of their validity, once […]

Divorce Bergoglio Style

Francis applauds “profound theology” that blesses adultery. by Rev. Anthony Cekada JUST ABOUT anyone who claims to be a Catholic can tell you that the Church teaches that divorce and remarriage are forbidden. He might even be able to tell you that the teaching is not just a “Church” law, but one that comes from […]