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Tag Archives: Francis / Bergoglio

True or False Pope: A Dignified Burial

IN FALL of 2016, Messrs. Salza and Siscoe published a 25,000- word response to my video Dead on Arrival, in which they attempted to explain away their earlier and egregious mixup of basic theological terms and to enlist the writings of Louis Cardinal Billot against the sedevacantist position. A Dignified Burial makes short work of […]

Dead on Arrival: True or False Pope

IN JANUARY 2016, the Society of St. Pius X published a 700-page book touted as the definitive refutation of sedevacantism and the ultimate vindication of the “recognize-and-resist” (R&R) position, John Salza and Robert Siscoe’s True or False Pope. When it first appeared, I thought it would merit a series of videos that would allow me to […]

Hey Trads! Take This Pop Pope Quiz!

Correct answer: A. Answered B or C? Oops! You need to review Pius XII’s teaching on the sin of heresy and membership in the Church, in addition to Boniface VIII’s teaching on submission to the Roman Pontiff as necessary for salvation! Support our Internet apostolate! For info, click here  

Pope Fictions 1: Nestorian Story Time

This is a short video taking on SSPX’s two anti-sedevacantist musketeers, John Salza and Robert Siscoe, authors of True or False Pope, as SSPX-bankrolled screed against sedevacantism. To support the R&R theory that a heretical pope would not automatically lose his office, Messrs. Salza and Siscoe point to the case of Nestorius — only to be clobbered […]

Bergoglio: Trashing Trads is the Least of His Program

by Rev. Anthony Cekada DURING THE PAST few days, trad internet forums have been abuzz over two shots that “Pope Francis” (Bergoglio) has taken against trads. One was in his July 28 address in Rio to the coordinating committee of CELAM, the supra-regional episcopal conference for South American and the Caribbean, in which he referred […]