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Category Archives: Canon Law

Internet Masses: Spiritual Benefits

QUESTION: What benefits do I derive from watching the traditional Latin Mass on the internet? I know I don’t get the full benefit I would if I were there in person. RESPONSE: It is clear, based on the teaching of pre-Vatican II theologians regarding hearing Mass over the radio or television, that one could not […]

An Ex-Sede, the Motu Mass and Refusing Sacraments

A CASE TO RESOLVE: Father Romanus, a sedevacantist, is asked to offer Mass for and address a small gathering of traditionalists in another state. The topic of his address: Why one should not actively participate in “una cum” Masses — that is, Masses at which the name of Benedict XVI is put into the first […]

The “Canonized” Mass and Abp. Lefebvre

QUESTION: In your Quidlibet article “Quo Primum: Could a Pope Change It?” I read your comment that a future pope after St. Pius V could, as a supreme legislator, abrogate this Bull. However, I still wonder why the Bull then states that “and that this present document cannot be revoked or modified,” which could only […]

Can an Excommunicated Cardinal be Elected Pope?

QUESTION: The Constitution of Pope Pius XII that establishes the rules for a papal conclave says the following: “34. No Cardinal, by pretext or reason of any excommunication, suspension, in-terdict or other ecclesiastical impediment whatsoever can be excluded in any way from the active and passive election of the Supreme Pontiff. Moreover, we suspend such […]

Quo Primum: Could a Pope Change It?

QUESTION: During a recent argument with a Novus Ordo friend, she told me that (according to her priest) popes can change whatever they want, as long as it is not dogmatic. We were discussing Quo Primum. I told her that it was forever, but she said that even if the pope said forever another pope […]