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Category Archives: Internet attacks against SGG

The Campaign against SGG Last Year: An Outside Perspective

NOTE: A few weeks ago, I had an e-mail exchange with a couple who had been following the events here at St. Gertrude the Great late last year. It makes a number of excellent points, and they were kind enough to allow me to publish it. Dear Father, My husband, Nick and I are traditional […]

An SGG School Mother Says “Thanks”

NOTE: A mother with children in St. Gertrude the Great School sent Bishop Dolan this letter on the Feast of the Circumcision, 2010. (The children’s names have been changed.) Your Excellency: After Mass this morning we stopped into the church bookstore. Anna picked out a tiny plastic Baby Jesus (about an inch long) that she […]

A School Parent Condemns the Campaign against SGG

NOTE: The year-long Internet campaign of lies and calumnies against our church and school has deceived and confused many people. One of our parishioners with children in St. Gertrude the Great School gave us permission to publish this e-mail to his parents, who had become worried about all the horrible accusations that our enemies have […]

School Dazed

How a few complaints about our little parish school suddenly became a world-wide campaign of lies and calumny. A GROUP OF disgruntled parents had come into my office to complain about our school principal and his wife, Joan. The principal, they said — a big man with a typical Polish face who was also our […]