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Monthly Archives: November 2013

SSPX Bishops on Bishops and “Bishops”

Williamson on Dolan, Tissier on “Neo” Bishops, Fellay on Both by Rev. Anthony Cekada OVER THE past few weeks, the topic of episcopal consecrations has come up several times. Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) consecrated two bishops using the post-Vatican II rite; Bishop Daniel L. Dolan celebrates the twentieth anniversary of his episcopal consecration in the traditional […]

Bergoglio’s Revolution: Six Key Points

by Rev. Anthony Cekada IMMEDIATELY upon his election by the March 2013, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) started signaling his intention to push the Vatican II revolution forward at warp speed. Where John Paul II and Benedict XVI were content to “make haste slowly” and generally willing to follow certain conventions in order to give the […]

Sedevacantism: A Quick Primer

Links to essential reading, updated November 2019 by Rev. Anthony Cekada SINCE THE ELECTION of Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) by the March 2013 conclave, more and more Catholics have started to wonder whether the sedevacantist explanation for the state of affairs in the post-Vatican II church might not indeed be the correct one. After all, […]

Organ Music and Tradition at St. Gertrude the Great

by Rev. Anthony Cekada   EVEN AT AGE 13 in 1964, the Vatican II liturgical changes that were just being introduced left me a bit uneasy, in particular, the near-immediate decline of good Catholic church music. I resolved to do something about it, so at age 14, with no keyboard training at all, I began […]

SGG Young Person’s Field Guide to Potential Trad Spouses

IT ISN’T easy to be young and a traditional Catholic these days. Practicing the faith – and even just getting to Sunday Mass – requires a lot more effort and determination now than it did when I was growing up in the balmy pre-Vatican II era, and Mass was just a short bike ride away. […]

1968 Rite of Episcopal Consecration: Valid or No?

Video Conversation with Fr. Anthony Cekada Links to articles In 1968 Paul VI radically altered the Rite of Episcopal Consecration. This act had profound consequences for Catholics, because it ultimately affected the five sacraments whose validity depends on the validity of the Holy Orders of their minister, a problem Abp. Lefebvre himself had raised in […]