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Category Archives: Moral Questions

Mass in Union with the “Pirate Pope”: Some Questions

By Rev. Anthony Cekada IN MY 2007 article, Grain of Incense: Sedevacantists and Una Cum Masses, I examined at great length the issue of whether a sedevacantist could actively assist at a traditional Mass where a Vatican II pope is named in the Canon of the Mass. On the basis of the dozens of theological, […]

What to Do If You Have No Mass

Ten Tips from Bishop Daniel L. Dolan   I AM OFTEN asked, “What should I do if I have no Mass?” First, it is not a sin to miss Mass due to great distance or other serious excusing circumstances. It is a sin, however, to attend the Novus Ordo. It is also a sin, objectively […]

General Confession as Social Control

TRADITIONAL Catholics who live in areas with several traditionalist chapels sometimes move from chapel to chapel, either temporarily or permanently, and for a great variety of reasons. In the Greater Cincinnati area, one of the “options” available is Immaculate Conception Church (IC) in Norwood, operated by Father William Jenkins of Bishop Clarence Kelly’s Society of […]

Internet Masses: Spiritual Benefits

QUESTION: What benefits do I derive from watching the traditional Latin Mass on the internet? I know I don’t get the full benefit I would if I were there in person. RESPONSE: It is clear, based on the teaching of pre-Vatican II theologians regarding hearing Mass over the radio or television, that one could not […]