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Monthly Archives: January 2010

General Confession as Social Control

TRADITIONAL Catholics who live in areas with several traditionalist chapels sometimes move from chapel to chapel, either temporarily or permanently, and for a great variety of reasons. In the Greater Cincinnati area, one of the “options” available is Immaculate Conception Church (IC) in Norwood, operated by Father William Jenkins of Bishop Clarence Kelly’s Society of […]

An SGG School Mother Says “Thanks”

NOTE: A mother with children in St. Gertrude the Great School sent Bishop Dolan this letter on the Feast of the Circumcision, 2010. (The children’s names have been changed.) Your Excellency: After Mass this morning we stopped into the church bookstore. Anna picked out a tiny plastic Baby Jesus (about an inch long) that she […]

A School Parent Condemns the Campaign against SGG

NOTE: The year-long Internet campaign of lies and calumnies against our church and school has deceived and confused many people. One of our parishioners with children in St. Gertrude the Great School gave us permission to publish this e-mail to his parents, who had become worried about all the horrible accusations that our enemies have […]