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Category Archives: Epis Cons: ’68 Rite

A Bit Rich, Vicar! Fr. Hunwicke vs. Pius XII

On his Mutual Enrichment blog in early January 2019, ex-Anglican-turned-Novus Ordo High Church apologist Fr. John Hunwicke posted three short articles that attempted to refute my lengthy study of the 1968 Rite of Episcopal Consecration, “Absolutely Null and Utterly Void,” which, among other things, demonstrated that the essential sacramental form in the new rite did […]

SSPX Bishops on Bishops and “Bishops”

Williamson on Dolan, Tissier on “Neo” Bishops, Fellay on Both by Rev. Anthony Cekada OVER THE past few weeks, the topic of episcopal consecrations has come up several times. Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) consecrated two bishops using the post-Vatican II rite; Bishop Daniel L. Dolan celebrates the twentieth anniversary of his episcopal consecration in the traditional […]

1968 Rite of Episcopal Consecration: Valid or No?

Video Conversation with Fr. Anthony Cekada Links to articles In 1968 Paul VI radically altered the Rite of Episcopal Consecration. This act had profound consequences for Catholics, because it ultimately affected the five sacraments whose validity depends on the validity of the Holy Orders of their minister, a problem Abp. Lefebvre himself had raised in […]

Saved by Context? The ’68 Rite of Episcopal Consecration

QUESTION: Like you, I believe the Conciliar rite of episcopal consecration to be invalid, and that this invalidity is amply supported by your two articles. However, an acquaintance of mine… said the following, [after quoting for me ¶¶ 26-27 of the rite] “Sorry guys. I can no longer consider this rite invalid, at least not […]

The ’68 Consecration Rite and Lutheran Orders

ON JUNE 26, 2008, the conservative Novus Ordo website Rorate Coeli published an article criticizing those modernist theologians who promote the notion that Lutheran ministers may indeed possess valid apostolic succession. (This would mean that the sacraments they confer are all valid.) This came on the heels of Rorate’s 14 June 2008 article, “Got a […]