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Monthly Archives: June 2012

Saved by Context? The ’68 Rite of Episcopal Consecration

QUESTION: Like you, I believe the Conciliar rite of episcopal consecration to be invalid, and that this invalidity is amply supported by your two articles. However, an acquaintance of mine… said the following, [after quoting for me ¶¶ 26-27 of the rite] “Sorry guys. I can no longer consider this rite invalid, at least not […]

Fr. Cekada Video: Sedevacantism: How to Tell Aunt Helen

IN 1995, I wrote an article for the periodical Sacerdotium about the emotional difficulties Catholic traditionalists and others have with the issue of “sedevacantism” — the theological position that the post-Vatican II popes were not true popes. The article, I noted, was prompted by a cordial correspondence with the later Father Paul Wickens (left). In […]

Young People and Conflicts among Trads: A Talk by Fr. Cekada

WHEN YOUNG PEOPLE who have been raised in the traditionalist movement get into their teens and twenties, they start to ask questions about why there seem to be so many conflicts within the ranks of Catholics who appear to have so many of the same goals. Father Cekada provides some answers in a sermon given […]