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Category Archives: Sedevacantism: Objections

Talking Sedevacantism with an SSPX Lay Kahuna

Father: Even though I’ve figured out that sedevacantism is the only possible theological explanation for Bergoglio and the whole Vatican II mess, I still have a lot of friends and acquaintances in SSPX circles. Word of my change of position has gotten around, so the topic now comes up in conversations. Lay SSPX-ers agree with […]

Does the Pope Honorius Affair Refute Sedevacantism?

THE MULTITUDE of theological errors and evil laws that have emanated from the Vatican II popes over the past fifty years — and that is exponentially increasing during the madcap reign of Bergoglio — has prompted many traditionally-minded Catholics to seek out ways to reconcile the notion of papal authority with the obvious destruction wrought […]

The Errors of Athanasius Schneider

SIX YEARS’ WORTH of the antics of Jorge Mario Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”) have left a lot of previously clueless Catholics really shaken. The radical and destructive nature of the Vatican II doctrinal and moral revolution, kept discreetly masked to a large extent under the regimes of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, finally emerged […]

My Response to Fr. Chazal’s “Contra Cekadam”

by Rev. Anthony Cekada FATHER FRANÇOIS Chazal is former member of the Society of St. Pius X who left the organization several years ago when the prospect of an SSPX-Vatican deal looked particularly likely, and with a number of other similarly-minded ex-SSPX priests, formed a loose association of priests known as “the Resistance.” The Resistance […]

Siscoe, Celestine and Sedevacantism

ANTI-sedevacantist controversialist and SSPX apologist Robert Siscoe thinks he has found a killer argument against the sedevacantist position: Gregory IX promulgated an evil universal disciplinary law in 1234, but remained a true pope! Bingo! This lets Paul VI (who promulgated the New Mass) and JP2 (who promulgated the new Code of Canon Law) off the […]

True or False Pope: A Dignified Burial

IN FALL of 2016, Messrs. Salza and Siscoe published a 25,000- word response to my video Dead on Arrival, in which they attempted to explain away their earlier and egregious mixup of basic theological terms and to enlist the writings of Louis Cardinal Billot against the sedevacantist position. A Dignified Burial makes short work of […]

Dead on Arrival: True or False Pope

IN JANUARY 2016, the Society of St. Pius X published a 700-page book touted as the definitive refutation of sedevacantism and the ultimate vindication of the “recognize-and-resist” (R&R) position, John Salza and Robert Siscoe’s True or False Pope. When it first appeared, I thought it would merit a series of videos that would allow me to […]

Marcel Lefebvre: Sedevacantist

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre made many statements that support sedevacantism, the theological position held by Catholic traditionalists who believe that the Vatican II popes were not true popes, due to public heresy. Father Anthony Cekada, a priest who was a seminarian in SSPX’s early days and who personally knew the archbishop, provides a selection of these […]

Pope Fictions 1: Nestorian Story Time

This is a short video taking on SSPX’s two anti-sedevacantist musketeers, John Salza and Robert Siscoe, authors of True or False Pope, as SSPX-bankrolled screed against sedevacantism. To support the R&R theory that a heretical pope would not automatically lose his office, Messrs. Salza and Siscoe point to the case of Nestorius — only to be clobbered […]

SSPX and Bitter Fruit: Look Who’s Talking!

AN EXAMINATION of the Society of St. Pius X’s charge that sedevacantism produces “bitter fruit,” which some claims “disproves” its theological reasoning. Historical perspective: conflict among Catholics where in situations where authority could not be effectively exercised. Conflict withing non-sedevacantist traditionalist movement in the United States. A history of the internal turmoil, division and other “bitter fruit” […]