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Tag Archives: Remnant Newspaper

Siscoe, Celestine and Sedevacantism

ANTI-sedevacantist controversialist and SSPX apologist Robert Siscoe thinks he has found a killer argument against the sedevacantist position: Gregory IX promulgated an evil universal disciplinary law in 1234, but remained a true pope! Bingo! This lets Paul VI (who promulgated the New Mass) and JP2 (who promulgated the new Code of Canon Law) off the […]

SSPX and Bitter Fruit: Look Who’s Talking!

AN EXAMINATION of the Society of St. Pius X’s charge that sedevacantism produces “bitter fruit,” which some claims “disproves” its theological reasoning. Historical perspective: conflict among Catholics where in situations where authority could not be effectively exercised. Conflict withing non-sedevacantist traditionalist movement in the United States. A history of the internal turmoil, division and other “bitter fruit” […]