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Monthly Archives: January 2014

Christmas Mission to Nigeria

** FR. CEKADA ON THE NEW MASS :  7:00 PM TONIGHT Restoration Radio** A newly ordained priest brings the Mass back to his countrymen. NOTE FROM FR. CEKADA: Today we present a little report from Fr. Bede Nkamuke, a Nigerian who was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Daniel Dolan on November 6, 2013. Fr. […]

Gaga on Islam

Bergoglio Draws a Jesuit’s Fire for Whitewashing the Koran By Rev. Anthony Cekada   BEFORE VATICAN II, the absolute last thing you’d expect to find a Jesuit doing was publicly attacking a papal pronouncement. The Jesuits, whatever their other considerable shortcomings, were regarded as fiercely loyal defenders of the papacy, the “shock troops of the […]