Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Father: Even though I’ve figured out that sedevacantism is the only possible theological explanation for Bergoglio and the whole Vatican II mess, I still have a lot of friends and acquaintances in SSPX circles. Word of my change of position has gotten around, so the topic now comes up in conversations. Lay SSPX-ers agree with […]
Monday, September 16, 2019
RECENTLY I received a letter urging traditional Catholics to circulate a video produced by the R&R publication The Remnant, and calling for the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) to “unite in battle against our true enemy, the Modernists.” In the video, Mission Impossible: Unite the SSPX […]
by Rev. Anthony Cekada THE SOCIETY OF St. Pius X’s flawed theology of papal authority has led it to promote countless errors, but one of the more obvious ones emerges in its position on canonizations made by the post-Conciliar popes. The standard pre-Vatican II theological teaching was that canonizations are infallible — otherwise, said the theologian Salaverri, […]
IN JANUARY 2016, the Society of St. Pius X published a 700-page book touted as the definitive refutation of sedevacantism and the ultimate vindication of the “recognize-and-resist” (R&R) position, John Salza and Robert Siscoe’s True or False Pope. When it first appeared, I thought it would merit a series of videos that would allow me to […]
Also filed in Francis / Bergoglio, Sedevacantism, Sedevacantism: Objections, Trad Controversies
Tagged Bergoglio, Francis / Bergoglio, John Salza, Robert Siscoe, sedevacantism, Society of St. Pius X, SSPX, True or False Pope?
Correct answer: A. Answered B or C? Oops! You need to review Pius XII’s teaching on the sin of heresy and membership in the Church, in addition to Boniface VIII’s teaching on submission to the Roman Pontiff as necessary for salvation! Support our Internet apostolate! For info, click here
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre made many statements that support sedevacantism, the theological position held by Catholic traditionalists who believe that the Vatican II popes were not true popes, due to public heresy. Father Anthony Cekada, a priest who was a seminarian in SSPX’s early days and who personally knew the archbishop, provides a selection of these […]
Also filed in Lefebvre, Sedevacantism, Sedevacantism: Objections, Trad Controversies
Tagged Anthony Cekada, Lefebvre, Robert Siscoe, Salza, sedevacantism, Society of St. Pius X, SSPX, True or False Pope?
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
THE YEAR 2016 will be a banner year for traditionalists to argue over the question of the Pope. First, there will be the ongoing antics of Bergoglio, aka Francis, the “People’s Pope.” Second, there will be a lot of back-and-forth over True or False Pope? a 700-page anti-sedevacantist tract written by John Salza and Robert […]
Also filed in Francis / Bergoglio, Sedevacantism, Sedevacantism: Objections, SSPX: Misc, Trad Controversies
Tagged Anthony Cekada, Catholic Family News, CFN, Christopher Ferrara, Fellay, Gruner, John Salza, Louie Verrecchio, Michael Matt, Novus Ordo Watch, Pope Francis, Pope Speaks You Decide, R&R, recognize and resist, Remnant, Robert Siscoe, sedevacantism, sedevacantists, SGGResources, Siscoe, Society of St. Pius X, SSPX, True or False Pope?
A LENGTHY book by R&R (“recognize and resist”) controversialists John Salza and Robert Siscoe, soon to be published by the Society of St. Pius X, prompts this question. In this video, Father Cekada provides the answer, based on the early history of the traditionalist movement, theological principles and his own observations on the practical considerations that […]
THE ELECTION of Jorge Mario Bergoglio by the March 2013 conclave was a turning point in the ongoing dispute among Catholic traditionalists over the question of the pope: Do we “recognize” the post-Vatican II popes as true popes, but “resist” them? (The “R&R” position held by the Society of St. Pius X, Bp. Williamson, The Remnant, Catholic […]
A conference by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn IN A clearly-presented and tightly-reasoned 110-minute talk, delivered in London on Dec. 21, 2013, Bishop Sanborn lays out the case for sedevacantism. He explains that the fundamental question every Catholic must ask himself in our times is: “Does the religion of Vatican II represent a substantial or […]