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Tag Archives: Fr. Jenkins

Spiritual Cooties: The SSPV Sacramental Penalties after 30 Years

Coot-ie: n. informal… US. a children’s term for an imaginary germ or repellent quality transmitted by obnoxious or slovenly people. JULY 4, 2019 marks the thirtieth anniversary of my departure from the Society of St. Pius V (SSPV). Most traditional Catholics know that some sort of a conflict occurred many years ago among the priests […]

Bp. Mendez, SSPV and Hypocrisy

Introduction In early 1995 the Society of St. Pius V (SSPV) an­nounced that the Rev. Clarence Kelly had been secretly consecrated a bishop on October 19, 1993 by the re­tired Bishop of Arecibo, Puerto Rico, the Most Rev. Alfred F. Mendez CSC, who had just died on January 28, 1995.       Up to this point, […]

June 29, 1989 Letter to Fr. Kelly