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Category Archives: SSPX: Misc

The Remnant’s Latest: The Blathering of the Clams

  RECENTLY I received a letter urging traditional Catholics to circulate a video produced by the R&R publication The Remnant, and calling for the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) to “unite in battle against our true enemy, the Modernists.” In the video, Mission Impossible: Unite the SSPX […]

My Seminary Life as Student and Teacher

IN ADDITION to my writing and pastoral work since my ordination in 1977, I’ve been involved in teaching seminarians, first in the Society of St. Pius X in Armada MI and Ridgefield CT (1977–1983), and then at Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Warren MI and Brooksville FL (1995–present).  My current work at Most Holy Trinity […]

The “Position of the Society” as Substitute Magisterium

by Rev. Anthony Cekada THE SOCIETY OF St. Pius X’s flawed theology of papal authority has led it to promote countless errors, but one of the more obvious ones emerges in its position on canonizations made by the post-Conciliar popes. The standard pre-Vatican II theological teaching was that canonizations are infallible — otherwise, said the theologian Salaverri, […]

Mass in Union with the “Pirate Pope”: Some Questions

By Rev. Anthony Cekada IN MY 2007 article, Grain of Incense: Sedevacantists and Una Cum Masses, I examined at great length the issue of whether a sedevacantist could actively assist at a traditional Mass where a Vatican II pope is named in the Canon of the Mass. On the basis of the dozens of theological, […]

Pope Fictions 1: Nestorian Story Time

This is a short video taking on SSPX’s two anti-sedevacantist musketeers, John Salza and Robert Siscoe, authors of True or False Pope, as SSPX-bankrolled screed against sedevacantism. To support the R&R theory that a heretical pope would not automatically lose his office, Messrs. Salza and Siscoe point to the case of Nestorius — only to be clobbered […]

SSPX and Bitter Fruit: Look Who’s Talking!

AN EXAMINATION of the Society of St. Pius X’s charge that sedevacantism produces “bitter fruit,” which some claims “disproves” its theological reasoning. Historical perspective: conflict among Catholics where in situations where authority could not be effectively exercised. Conflict withing non-sedevacantist traditionalist movement in the United States. A history of the internal turmoil, division and other “bitter fruit” […]

The Pope Speaks: YOU Decide!

THE YEAR 2016 will be a banner year for traditionalists to argue over the question of the Pope. First, there will be the ongoing antics of Bergoglio, aka Francis, the “People’s Pope.” Second, there will be a lot of back-and-forth over True or False Pope? a 700-page anti-sedevacantist tract written by John Salza and Robert […]

Fellay Serves Up the Chicken Waffles

Bergoglio a Modernist? Uh, didn’t mean it… by Rev. Anthony Cekada SINCE THE DEATH of SSPX founder Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, one of the popular pastimes in certain traditionalist circles when faced with the latest Novus Ordo outrage is the game of WWLD — What Would Lefebvre Do? So during the whole opera of the SSPX-Vatican […]

SSPX Bishops on Bishops and “Bishops”

Williamson on Dolan, Tissier on “Neo” Bishops, Fellay on Both by Rev. Anthony Cekada OVER THE past few weeks, the topic of episcopal consecrations has come up several times. Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) consecrated two bishops using the post-Vatican II rite; Bishop Daniel L. Dolan celebrates the twentieth anniversary of his episcopal consecration in the traditional […]

SGG Young Person’s Field Guide to Potential Trad Spouses

IT ISN’T easy to be young and a traditional Catholic these days. Practicing the faith – and even just getting to Sunday Mass – requires a lot more effort and determination now than it did when I was growing up in the balmy pre-Vatican II era, and Mass was just a short bike ride away. […]