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1968 Rite of Episcopal Consecration: Valid or No?

1378608_649701761741083_1351231262_nVideo Conversation with Fr. Anthony Cekada

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In 1968 Paul VI radically altered the Rite of Episcopal Consecration. This act had profound consequences for Catholics, because it ultimately affected the five sacraments whose validity depends on the validity of the Holy Orders of their minister, a problem Abp. Lefebvre himself had raised in the mid-1970s.

In 2006 I researched and wrote a lengthy study of the new rite and concluded that it was invalid; I also produced a shorter version of the article for popular consumption.

In 2011 Stephen Heiner of True Restoration conducted a lengthy video conversation on this topic with me, which we are happy to make available here.

The issue has recently become even more timely, due to the election by the 2013 conclave of Jorge Bergoglio. Since Francis was both ordained a priest and consecrated a bishop with the new rite, the real possibility exists that the man who now claims to be pope is in fact nothing more than a simple layman.

For those interested in further information on the topic, here are the links to the original articles and my subsequent writings on the issue.