from Fr. Leonard Goffine
For those who on account of sickness, old age or for other sufficient reasons cannot assist at holy Mass, especially on Sundays and Holy Days.
Prefatory Remarks: Bear in mind, O Christian soul, that those who would be present at the holy Sacrifice of the Mass, if it were possible, such as the sick, the infirm, the aged, fathers or mothers who must remain at home with the little children, and for other reasons, are all included in the holy Sacrifice, that is, take part in the prayers of the Church, in the blessings and merits of the Sacrifice, if they have a sincere desire to hear Mass.
The holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered for all the faithful. As Christ offered Himself for all men on the cross, so He now offers Himself in the Mass in an unbloody manner for all, hence all partake of the blessings and merits of His sacrifice who assist at Mass with sentiments pleasing to Him. And if you are kept at home, the priest prays, the Church prays, our Savior Jesus Christ offers Himself, and the merits and blessing of the holy Sacrifice flow to you, if you only heartily desire it, and unite your prayers at home with the prayers of the priest and the whole congregation. Therefore kneel in spirit before the altar and devoutly make a good intention.
Good Intention: My Father and my God, Thou knowest how sincerely I would like to assist at the Sacrifice of Thy beloved Son, my Redeemer, which is now being offered to Thee upon the altar by the hands of the priest; but obstacles as Thou knowest, prevent me. Because I cannot now be present in Thy holy house, do Thou graciously look down upon the desire of my heart, and let me have part in the prayers of Thy holy Church and in the blessings and merits of Thy divine Son, who died for me on the cross, and again offers Himself in an unbloody manner upon the altar. With the same intention with which the priest offers the holy Sacrifice on the altar, I also offer it to Thee for Thy praise and glory, in thanksgiving for all gifts and graces which Thou hast granted me, to reconcile Thee with me, a poor sinner, and for forgiveness of my sins, and with the most fervent petition, that Thou wilt be to me in my cares and afflictions a gracious Father, and for the sake of Thy Son Jesus not refuse me Thy aid.
O my holy Guardian Angel, do thou stand by my side and unite thy prayers with mine, that they may be acceptable to God’s Majesty, and do thou, my beloved Mother Mary, assist me that I may attend in spirit the unbloody Sacrifice of the Mass with the same intention as thou didst have, when thou didst assist at the bloody Sacrifice of the cross. Amen.
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