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Why Do Traditionalists Fear Sedevacantism?

A LENGTHY book by R&R (“recognize and resist”) controversialists John Salza and Robert Siscoe, soon to be published by the Society of St. Pius X, prompts this question.

In this video, Father Cekada provides the answer, based on the early history of the traditionalist movement, theological principles and his own observations on the practical considerations that often cause traditionalists to shy away from the sedevacantist position.

In the in the face of Bergoglio’s “Francis Revolution,” he maintains, it is time for Catholics to re-examine the issue and to put aside the old and often unreasonable fears.

For more on the topic of sedevacantism, see also Fr. Cekada’s Sedevacantism: A Quick Primer.

For Fr. Cekada’s earlier video answering objections to sedevacantism, see Stuck in a Rut: Anti-Sedevacantism in the Age of Bergoglio.

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5 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. The Irrational Fear of Sedevacantism « The Thinking Housewife on Saturday, January 2, 2016 at 11:57 am

    […] this is by way of introduction to this excellent video by Fr. Anthony Cekada, a tireless apologist for sedevacantism. Fr. Cekada addresses the fears of […]

  2. […] el padre Anthony Cekada dio a conocer un vídeo titulado: “¿Por qué los tradicionalistas le tienen miedo al sedevacantismo?”. El […]

  3. THE REMNANT NO TIENE MIEDO – AMOR DE LA VERDAD on Thursday, January 21, 2016 at 1:30 pm

    […] el padre Anthony Cekada dio a conocer un vídeo titulado: “¿Por qué los tradicionalistas le tienen miedo al sedevacantismo?”. El vídeo es […]

  4. Who’s Afraid of Sedevacantism? « Catholic Truth on Monday, March 14, 2016 at 4:42 pm

    […] Father Anthony Cekada released a video entitled “Why Traditionalists Fear Sedevacantism”.  The video is a response to the […]

  5. : Quidlibet : › Sedevacantism: A Quick Primer on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 7:27 am

    […] Why Do Traditionalists Fear Sedevacantism? (Video, Jan 2016) […]