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A Bergoglio Promo for Apostasy Lite

WELL, just when I thought I could give the pope question a rest for a few days, Bergoglio comes out with a sleek, feel-good video promo for “apostasy lite.”

After clip of a Buddhist expressing confidence in Buddha, a Jew professing belief in Yahweh, a cleric in Jesus Christ and a Moslem in “God-Allah,” Bergoglio says that “Many think differently, feel differently.” Then, as a smiling Bergoglio is shown receiving a Buddha idol, kissing a bearded schismatic, and group-hugging rabbis at the Wailing Wall, they are, he says “seeking God or meeting God in different ways.”

Buddhists, Jews, and Moslems actually “meeting God” in their false religions?

Moreover, Bergoglio says,  “In this crowd, in this range of religions, there is only one certainty we have for all:”

That the Catholic Church is the only true religion? That it was founded by the Son of God, who said “he that believeth not shall be condemned”?

Nope. The only certainty the “Vicar of Christ” has for everyone is  that “We are all children of God.”

One as good as another!

One as good as another! And that ain’t a rosary!

After an “I-believe-in-love” round robin for the Buddhist, Jew, cleric and Moslem, in which each is shown separately holding in his hands a symbol for his religion (Buddha idol, Jewish menorah, Baby Jesus and Moslem prayer beads), there is a final shot of all four holding their symbols together.

You could find no more perfect a symbol for the errors condemned in Pius XI’s Mortalium Animos — and with it, proof of Bergoglio and company “abandoning the religion revealed by God.”

Not “mere” heresy, in other words, but apostasy.

R&R apologists like John Salza and Robert Siscoe will no doubt start shaking their rattles and chanting their best not-infallible/bad-dad spells to reaffirm the ancient tribal myths: Until an orthodoxy buddy gives Bergoglio three “canonical warnings,” and a jury of cardinals (Maradiaga, Kasper, Dolan, Tagle and Gracias?) renders “public judgement” on Bergoglio’s errors, we must all still believe he is the Vicar of Jesus Christ.

But any Catholic with eyes should now see the reality that the myths attempt to conceal: Bergoglio is an apostate, and cannot be the pope.

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2 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. Bergoglio’s Phony Love « The Thinking Housewife on Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 11:07 am

    […] more here by Fr. Anthony Cekada, who calls this a “sleek, feel-good video for apostasy […]

  2. […] języka angielskiego tłumaczył Pelagiusz z Asturii. Źródło: Quidlibet. Blog x. Cekady. — Przy okazji polecam komentarz strony Novus Ordo Watch do bergogliańskiej promocji apostazji i […]