by Rev. Anthony Cekada
NOTE: I often get phone or email inquiries from Catholics who have suddenly sensed that there is something deeply wrong in the post-Vatican II church, but who have difficulty pinpointing exactly what it is. I try to give inquirers an overview of the basics, but it’s quite difficult sometimes to compress even the most essential points into a phone call or an email.
So, I decided to put together a letter that provides these worried souls with both an overview of the main problems and a list of links for them to explore. A version of the letter appears below.
I think that many priests and faithful will find it a useful tool to educate potential neo-trads to the issues we Catholics face as a result of the Vatican II revolution.
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Dear N.N.
It was a pleasure speaking with you.
Even in a long conversation, it’s difficult to convey to someone like yourself — who is just beginning to sense there is something wrong with the modern version of Catholicism in general and Pope Francis in particular — all the problems that fifty years of Vatican II have caused and how faithful Catholics should deal with them.
Fortunately, I can refer you to a number of links that will provide an overall perspective for examining what happened.
First, Vatican II was a disaster — an atom bomb dropped on the Church, whose evil effects have only gotten worse over the years, as is obvious from the following:
Second, what appear to be the principal causes for this decline?
Third, good Catholics recognize the pope, are subject to him, and believe the dogma of papal infallibility. How can we reconcile these teachings with the evil effects and the doctrinal problems of Vatican II?
- Traditionalists, Infallibility and the Pope
- Video by Fr. Cekada on Papal Authority Question (“Sedevacantism”)
Fourth, more and more people are becoming aware that Francis’ teachings seem to contradict traditional Catholic doctrine. What are some specifics?
- Francis Quotes: A sampler of some of his more egregious statements
- Francis Watch: Fr. Cekada and Bp. Sanborn’s monthly in-depth radio discussion of Francis’s latest
Fifth, the post-Vatican II liturgical changes led many Catholics to question other aspects of Vatican II. What is the nature of these changes?
- Fr. Cekada’s Book, Work of Human Hands, on the post-Vatican II Mass
- Videos by Fr. Cekada on Problems with the post-Vatican II Liturgy
The foregoing material should give you an adequate overview of our theological position. For a more detailed explanation of the doctrinal errors of Vatican II, you might want to listen to some of Bishop Donald Sanborn’s sermons on the Church and the heresies of Modernism.
As I mentioned, you are most welcome to assist at Mass at St. Gertrude the Great, and if you’d like to get a little flavor of it beforehand, you might want to view one of our live Mass webcasts here.
If you have any questions or worries, please feel free to contact me or to set up an appointment to discuss these matters further.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Anthony Cekada