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Consecration of Bp. Selway: Photos

The three bishops impose hands.

by Rev. Anthony Cekada

ON FEBRUARY 22, 2018, the Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn, assisted by the Most. Rev. Daniel L. Dolan and the Most Rev. Geert Stuyver, consecrated the Rev. Joseph S. Selway to the episcopacy. The rite took place during the course of Pontifical High Mass, at Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida.

The consecration, which Bp. Sanborn announced in November, was intended to ensure continuity in providing priests and sacraments to future generations of faithful Catholics, and in particular, Bp. Sanborn’s apostolate of properly forming seminarians for the priesthood.

Bp. Sanborn was joined by two c0-consecrating bishops who jointly conferred the sacrament with him: Bp. Dolan, at whose consecration the fifteen-year-old Joseph Selway was present at a quarter century ago this November, and Bp. Stuyver, a member of the Institute of the Mother of Good Counsel who works in his native Belgium.

The consecration was a happy and solemn occasion, drawing hundreds of souls from all over the United States, as well as from England and Australia. The music was provided by the seminary Gregorian schola and the Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas, who sang works by William Byrd, Thomas Tallis, Marc-Antoine Charpentier and Rev. Anthony Cekada. The ceremony was followed by dinner for all the attendees, served by the students of  Queen of All Saints Academy under an enormous tent erected on the seminary grounds.

Bishop Selway, 40, studied at St. Peter Martyr Seminary in Verrua Savoia, Italy, and at Most Holy Trinity Seminary. He was ordained to the priesthood in December, 2001. Thereafter, Fr. Selway supervised the establishment of Our Lady Queen of All Saints Church and Academy in Brooksville, as well as the foundation of the Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas. His most recent projects have included supervising the foundation of Queen of All Saints Online Academy, and preparing for the construction of a motherhouse for the Sisters of St. Thomas adjacent to the seminary grounds.

Bishop Selway is expert in Latin and Greek, fluent in Italian, French and Spanish, and teaches philosophy and dogmatic theology at Most Holy Trinity. He also plays the violin.

We congratulate Bp. Selway on his consecration, and assure him of our prayers for a long and fruitful apostolate.

A video of the consecration is currently in preparation, but in the meantime, we offer a few photos from the event to whet your appetite.

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  2. […] Selway, who then aspired to the priesthood and who, twenty-five years later, would be consecrated a bishop, with Bp. Dolan serving as one of his […]