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What to Do If You Have No Mass

LatinMassTen Tips from Bishop Daniel L. Dolan


I AM OFTEN asked, “What should I do if I have no Mass?”

First, it is not a sin to miss Mass due to great distance or other serious excusing circumstances. It is a sin, however, to attend the Novus Ordo. It is also a sin, objectively speaking, to assist at an otherwise valid traditional Latin Mass that is offered in union with the modernist false “pope” and his hierarchy. (For an explanation, see Grain of Incense: Sedevacantists and Una Cum Masses, and Should I Assist at a Mass that Names Benedict XVI in the Canon?) The Church would never have permitted such assistance in the past. It is a lie, it is a sacrilege, and it is grievously offensive to Almighty God.

But what to do if you have no good Mass available to you? Fr. Cekada recently advised a correspondent, “Deepen your own knowledge of the Catholic faith, educate yourself about the errors of the modernists, sanctify yourself, form the members of your family in the faith by word and example, do your best to keep a cheerful spirit in the face of adversity and put everything in the hands of God,” and I heartily endorse his words.

In a word: Do everything you can at home, without a priest! Here are some specifics:

altar_myhome1. SET UP A FAMILY ALTAR: Set up a family altar or shrine. Enthrone the Sacred Heart there as King of Love in your home. (You may obtain the ceremonial from us.)

2. USE SACRAMENTALS: Have and use blessed candles, holy water (we’ll send you some if you’ll only cover postage) as well as a blessed crucifix and statues and holy pictures, medals and scapulars. Also procure and use the various sacramentals blessed on special feasts of the liturgical year: Palm crosses, Assumption herbs and flowers, the Three Kings’ blessing, blessed Palms, etc.

3. BLESS! Sprinkle your home with holy water frequently, bless your food and your children. Make frequent signs of the cross.

4. SET A REGULAR TIME FOR SUNDAY WORSHIP: Set aside a time every Sunday for Mass prayers, spiritual reading and catechism, especially for children.

5. SAY SPECIAL SUNDAY PRAYERS: Your Sunday devotional hour could take many forms:

6. LISTEN TO OUR SERMONS: We have a great archive of excellent sermons on the St. Gertrude the Great website, delivered by a variety of preachers and covering an array of topics: the liturgy, the saint of the day, Catholic doctrine, apologetics, moral topics, contemporary issues, questions of special interest to traditional Catholics, and much, much more. You can listen to the sermons online or download them to an mp3 player.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA7. WATCH MASS ON THE INTERNET: Set up a computer, and use the Internet to follow our live webcasts of the Mass on The times for the regularly scheduled webcasts (Eastern time zone) are as follows:

  • Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:00 (High), 11:30 AM, 5:45 PM.
  • School Days: 11:20 AM (High) with children’s sermon
  • Fridays: 5:45 PM with Benediction.
  • Saturdays: 7:30, 8:10 AM
  • Holy Days: Mornings and evenings as announced in SGG bulletin

A schedule of our other service and Mass times appears in the SGG weekly bulletin, which you can download from our parish home page. Some of these are webcast, but since our schedule changes every week, all webcasts cannot be announced in advance, so you just have to tune in to see if we are broadcasting.

And here’s a tip: By making the screen image larger, you can greatly improve your experience of watching Mass on the Internet. This is easily done by connecting an HDMI cable from your computer to the HDMI port on large computer monitor or a flat-screen television.

8. NO INTERNET? USE A DVD: If you can’t watch one of our live webcasts, purchase a DVD of the Mass, such as our Three Traditional Masses DVD Watch and listen to it devoutly, uniting yourself with the Masses offered that day.

9. HOMESCHOOLER? TUNE IN! Visit our webcast site on schooldays at 11:20 AM for High Mass and a short sermon geared towards children.

10. BECOME AN SGG “VIRTUAL” PARISHIONER! Sign up as a “virtual” member of St. Gertrude the Great. Support regularly us as you would your own parish. (You can do this here.) Stay in touch with us. Read the Sunday Bulletin online. If you live in the U.S. we will try to send a priest to you, if at all possible, at least from time to time. We may also know of other good priests in your area, or be able to help you find one.

What do I do if I have no Mass? Do something. Do everything you can! God asks no more, nor is He ever outdone in generosity. May the Sacred Heart reign as King of Love in your home!


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  1. Eutrapelia – True Restoration on Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 4:31 am

    […] quite sure What to Do If You Have No Mass? Quidlibet provides Bishop Dolan’s ten tips for those Catholics who do not have access to a true […]