Father Cekada provides some answers in a sermon given at St. Gertrude the Great Church, West Chester OH, on Trinity Sunday, June 3, 2012. He offers a short review of the problems with Vatican II and of the history of the traditionalist movement.
Father offers five points for putting things into perspective:
(1) Conflict was common in Church history.
(2) Doctrine, not just the “Latin Mass,” is the real issue.
(3) Study your Catholic faith and the great issues of our time.
(4) Practice your faith in more than “default” mode.
(5) Be grateful and optimistic about your faith as a trad.
The sermon is also a good review for older folks who may be discouraged by divisions in our ranks. To listen to it, follow this link:
Young People and Conflict among Trads: A Talk by Fr. Anthony Cekada