A dynamite two-minute video explains how.
by Rev. Anthony Cekada
HOW CAN you tell a heretic from a real Catholic? The answer to the question has always been of supreme importance to faithful Catholics confronted with the errors of the post-Vatican II age.
And of late, the answer has become even more pressing in the era of Francis, the “Media Star Pope,” whose statements have caused unease among cardinals and Vatican officials, causing one of the latter, in fact, to speak of implementing Francis’ ideas on sacraments for the divorced and remarried as “cross[ing] the line into heresy.”
The little video from Epicheia Media Productions presented here summarizes three rules for discerning a heretic, taken from Fr. Pietro Scavini’s Moral Theology according to the Teaching of St. Alphonsus de Liguori. It gives viewers a short, clear summary of principles to apply to Francis and others like him.
We encourage you to pass this link along to friends who may be unsettled by Francis’ program for the Church and wondering what to make of it.
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